Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #40 – Part 2 of "Walking Through the Blueprint of We - A Way to Co-create Relationships"

Kathleen Oweegon

Welcome to Part 2 of "Walking Through the Blueprint of We - A Way to Co-create Relationships" – Episode #40 of Co-creating Peace, a series about conscious communication and conflict transformation. 

In Episode #16 of this podcast, I interviewed Sheella Mierson and Rachel Eryn Kalish about “A Way to Co-create Relationships (The Blueprint of We Process).” They described the Blueprint of We and gave examples of where and how it is used. At the end of that interview, I wanted to know more, and was delighted to continue the series.

In Episode #33, "Walking Through the Blueprint of We, Part 1", Sheella walked through writing a Blueprint with Ron Person as he wrote his document. They discussed the first two components of a Blueprint of We. This time, Sheella and Ron will continue the walk-through of the remaining three components. 

In this time of transition, uncertainty, and adaptation, the Blueprint of We can be especially helpful as a tool to mindfully articulate, co-create and navigate professional and personal relationships for greatest long-term success.

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