Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #37 – Expressing Emotion Safely

Kathleen Oweegon

Welcome to “Expressing Emotion Safely” – Episode #37 of Co-creating Peace, a series about conscious communication and conflict transformation. 

Expressing our emotions, especially when we feel those emotions strongly is something that is very difficult for many people to do, or to do successfully, and in ways that help build understanding. 

We all struggle from time to time with how to express our emotions. We often either react to our feelings without thought, causing others to get upset, or we avoid talking about them altogether in an effort to prevent high emotion and conflict, which – in the long run – can cause us to accumulate a lot of unpacked emotional baggage.  Today, we’ll look at some other options that might be more helpful to us, and to our interpersonal dynamics with others: practices we can use to help us to express our emotions in ways that others can feel safe hearing.

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