Co-creating Peace
Welcome to Co-creating Peace, a podcast focused on Conscious Communication and Conflict Transformation. Do you have an important conversation that you know you need to have, but are dreading because you fear it will not go well? Do you avoid confrontation because you equate confrontation with conflict? Do you avoid conflict because you believe the only two approaches to conflict are fight or flight, and that nothing good ever comes from conflict? Then, Co-creating Peace is the podcast for you! In each 30-minute weekly episode, we will explore powerful tools and practices you can use to evolve your approaches to the important, yet difficult conversations you need to have. Each episode will be rich with a variety of tools, understandings, and advice in response to questions from people just like you. Your host, Kathleen Oweegon is the founder of Bridges of Peace Communication & Conflict Resolution Services. She brings to you over 20 years experience as a mediator, facilitator, and interpersonal communication coach, as well the shared wisdom of other experts in human relations, communication, and conflict resolution. Do you have a question or concern about a communication dynamic with someone in your life that you'd like some advice about? Are you wondering about how to tell your boss that their breath odor is offensive without shaming them? Thinking about taking a romantic relationship to the next step, but you aren't sure about how to negotiate getting your relationship needs met? Wishing you had the right words for a sensitive conversation you know you need to have? Are you longing to resolve a conflict or break a conflict cycle with someone in your life? Submit your questions to Kathleen at: oweegon@bridgesofpeace.com, and she will give you detailed answers in a podcast!Listen to Co-creating Peace and become empowered to co-create peace in your life!
Co-creating Peace
Co-creating Peace Episode #128 – “Navigating Family Tensions: Lessons from Mediation”
Kathleen Oweegon
Picture this: You're at your family's holiday gathering, and suddenly a heated argument breaks out. The festive atmosphere quickly turns tense, and you find yourself wishing you had a mediator on speed dial. For a wide variety of reasons, holiday family gatherings can sometimes feel like ground zero for conflict.
Welcome to “Navigating Family Tensions: Lessons from Mediation”, Episode #128 of Co-creating Peace, a podcast about conscious communication and conflict transformation.
Joining me today is my good friend and colleague, David Levin, a long-time mediator, to share some insightful tips on navigating those tricky family conflicts that can often arise during the holidays. David offers gems of wisdom and lessons learned from mediation, advising us to tread lightly and avoid direct intervention, while stressing the impact of individual, meaningful interactions, and nurturing our relationships to create a peaceful dynamic where we can.
Highlights you won’t want to miss include:
- Don’t mediate your family
- What you see & what you cannot see when you look at others
- How to navigate family tension
- Listening to connect
- What mediators have learned
David has provided us with brief synopsis of the insights he shared in our conversation, which includes a diagram of the communication tool called “looping”, that he described to us: “Navigating Family Tensions: Lessons from Mediation” Handout
Here are just a few of the past episodes of this podcast which describe other tools you may find useful when navigating family conflict:
- Episode #3 – “When the Need Arises”
- Episode #5 – “Breaking the Chain of Conflict”
- Episode #18 – “Re-humanizing One Another”
- Episode #43 – “Using Nonviolent Communication® to Speak Your Truth”, Part 1
- Episode #44 – “Using NVC® to Speak Your Truth”, Part 2
David Levin graduated from the University of New Mexico School of Law, in 1977 and has been a trained mediator since 1987. David began his legal career as a civil litigator and a general practitioner, later becoming a Board Recognized Specialist in Family Law and establishing a general private mediation practice. He is currently practicing mediation, providing mediation training and education, and serving as a resou
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Visit BridgesofPeace.com to learn more about Kathleen and her work.