Co-creating Peace
Co-creating Peace
Co-creating Peace Episode #79 – “The Power of the Pause"
Welcome to “The Power of the Pause", Episode #79 of Co-creating Peace, a podcast series about conscious communication and conflict transformation.
In this episode, I have a bit of a change of pace for you. Every Wednesday evening at 5:00 pacific time, I have conversations with listeners on the Wisdom App.
Last Wednesday on the Wisdom App, I spoke about the power of the pause. This topic was inspired by a quote from Victor Frankl. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space, is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”. I bring you into last Wednesday’s Wisdom App conversation just after I shared the quote with my listeners.
The Wisdom App is an app you can download to your device just like any other app and listen to people sharing their wisdom and their ideas. It’s somewhat like a talk radio show with many hosts all doing their show at the same time, while the listeners can pick and choose any show, past or present, whenever they want to, and join the shows that are happening in the moment to share their own wisdom. I want to introduce you all to the Wisdom App and share one of the conversations I’ve had with listeners.
To learn more about Howard Falco, the guest I spoke with in this week's episode and last week’s Wisdom App conversation, visit his website: www.howardfalco.com.
To listen and converse with the great hosts on the Wisdom App, which is produced by Social Audio Inc.,
- At the Apple App store, search for “Wisdom: Meeting Great Minds”. There are actually many apps with the word Wisdom as part of their name, so the “Meeting Great Minds” portion of the title will get you to the right app!
- On Google Play, you can find the Wisdom App by searching “Wisdom: Advice & Life Coach".
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Visit BridgesofPeace.com to learn more about Kathleen and her work.