Co-creating Peace

Co-creating Peace Episode #74 – “Pivoting Toward Inner Peace”

Kathleen Oweegon

Welcome to “Pivoting Toward Inner Peace”, Episode #74 of Co-creating Peace, a series about conscious communication and conflict transformation.  

There are times in our lives when we recognize that we aren’t thriving. Nothing seems to be in sync. We experience inner friction and outer friction, and no sense of real peace. In this episode, Sarah Kalmeta and I have a conversation about ways to move through and out of this difficult place in our life by pivoting into a new direction, one that is fulfilling, and in which we feel inner peace.

Sarah Kalmeta, aka Sarah the Pivoter, is a Success and Mindset coach that helps the insatiably curious become their own success story without saying yes to everything using personal passion clarity techniques backed by neuroscience. She is the founder of Pivot Point. To learn more about Sarah and Pivot Point, visit her website:

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